Monday 5 July 2010

It's my birthday!

Well here I am.... 29.... again :-) I count backwards after 30 right? That is until I hit 18 and then I'll count forwards again... I wouldn't want my husband to be sent to jail for indecency.....

Another crazy week at the Bower, but really rather lovely weather to ease the pain! Not sure about the midges though.... why did midges get invented? What possible purpose could a bunch of blood sucking, itch inducing little critters have on the planet.... having said that, I bet they wander round asking each other what the purpose of humans are and I think they probably have a point... watering my herbs and new tomato plants in the midge cloud is not a great task, they seem to think I taste rather amazing and I look like a child with German measles!!!

I delivered the first 2 London orders this week, still lovely and chilled in their boxes and complete with free herb gift! I'm very excited about expanding our client base, sending Northumbrian meat down to London will get our wonderful product on the market and let people see what Northumberland can do! Shopping local is a great tool, but often in built up cities its hard to find good quality produce at decent prices - I'm also saving on carbon footprint by delivering it on my way to work - although if I get more orders I may have to rethink that!!!

Chocolate and chilli sausages make a come back this week in the shop! Get them fast as I already have 3lbs reserved for London!!! We will be pitching to several shops on Thursday with the sausages, bacon and herbs, keep your fingers crossed for us!!!

I am having terrible trouble with the bread at the moment, the baker is struggling to deliver it early and the villagers are stringing me up by my Bridget Jones pants!!! I keep hoping it will sort itself out but I'm not sure how! Last week, I was all ready to scream and shout at the delivery man until I saw the pure panic in his face and then I realised that this wasn't his idea of fun either!! Short from becoming a baker myself I am going to have to get resourceful with this one, please bare with me whilst I kick my grey matter into action!!

I have managed to accumulate 2 birthday cakes today and one yesterday - that's a lot of lovely cake!!! Hopefully, the office will help me consume it later today as I feel if I eat it all myself I will not be fitting into the train seat on my return journey!

Time is running out in London for me now, only 3 weeks left!!! Then I become a full time shop owner/farmers wife... god help Northumberland!

I am determined to party tonight, and fight the urge to turn in as my 31 year old body is instructing... of course I will drink orange juice and behave sensibly.... oh there's that pig again, I wonder if he's had any luck sourcing those stickers....


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Honey. Going to email you re: burgers when I get a bloody minute. Shop is looking fantastic. X
